Free Consultation

If you have made the decision to travel to Budapest for dental treatment, we will offer you a free consultation to start you off on the right track. The consultation can take place in Budapest or London, and will be held by the same great, internationally acclaimed dentist as who will be treating you otherwise.

Why are consultations necessary?

Dental consultations are an indispensable part of treatment, and need to be given for certain, more complex forms of dental treatment. In order to assess the conditions in the mouth, to see the health of the teeth and the surrounding gums, and to possibly make x-rays or CT scans should they be necessary (an absolute must for dental implants or tooth extractions). These consultation sessions are necessary for both the dentist and the patient, as during these sessions the patient gets to ask whatever questions they may have of the dentist, and the dentist can give an idea of how many procedures must be had, what they entail and how much they will cost.


1)      Free consultation
All of our dental tourism patients will get a free consultation with their dentist, where a treatment plan will be drawn up, and the dentist will get to look at and assess the patient’s situation. This free consultation can be held at our London dental practice, or our Budapest clinic if it is preferable.
2)      Treatment
Treatment will take place in Budapest with the same dentist who offered the consultation.
3)      After care
Many procedures, including dental implants require more frequent visits to the dentist afterwards. These aftercare sessions are provided by the dentist at our London dental practice, and may take up to 2 or even 3 sessions.

How do I claim my free consultation?

It’s as easy as calling us and letting us know that you wish to travel to Budapest for dental treatment, and we will register your information and give you a free consultation session. You can also register for your free consultation through our website by filling out a form that takes roughly 5 minutes.


Register for dental checkup!