We have had the opportunity to talk to thousands of patients who were genuinely interested in getting dental implants. This has helped us to hear thousands of questions, complaints, misunderstandings and preconceptions regarding dental implants. Because of this, we have decided to run an FAQ of the most popular questions asked of us, so that patients can educate themselves before undergoing this cumbersome procedure.

How do I know if my dentist is good or not? How do I know that the implantation is going according to plan?
There are two ways that you know you are getting good treatment. First is that gut feeling; ask yourself, are you comfortable? Does this person respect me? Do I have all of the information I need regarding this procedure? You should answer yes to all of these questions, and that is when this procedure is being done properly. The second is a professional point of view. Know that you should feel no pain during the actual dental implantation, but that swelling and even pain in the jaw is quite normal afterwards. Know that the dental implantation should take between 45 minutes and 2 hours, anything longer than that is too slow. The surroundings should be sterile, and the person giving you the procedure should be a licenced dental implantologist.
What is a treatment plan, and why do I need it to get dental implants? Can’t I just get them?
A treatment plan is a document that details the steps your dental treatment will take, how long it will take, how much it will cost, and it lets you see each procedure individually, so you can price and fact check every single thing the dentist thinks needs to be done. Dental implants are a multiple step procedure that require several visits, and it is important that you understand what is happening and why, and how much it will cost. Since dental implants are relatively expensive, it also gives you ample opportunity to budget your resources.
Can the price change after a treatment plan is set up? Are there hidden costs?
The price is subject to change, sadly. Even the most detailed 3D scan cannot reveal all of the possible problems and layout of your anatomy and so unforeseeable circumstances can require additional procedures or materials to be used. This will cost extra. But a proper diagnostic and consultation session should give you a very good idea of how much it will cost to get this procedure done, and the price is rarely subject to change after that.