Teeth may become mobile for a number of reasons. The only way to reverse the effects is to find out what the cause is.
Dental implants are an incredibly safe way to resurrect missing teeth and prevent further tooth loss. The procedure, known as implantation, is around effective, and is a routine oral surgical procedure. But what about the other 2%? How do we know if a dental implant is going to fail? Usually it is very hard to tell and only the dentist will be able to spot a faulty implantation. But there are some signs that tell you to go to a dentist straight away. We have collected 8 of these tell-tale signs.
A most neglected part of the dental implant process is the use of a healing screw. This object will only occupy your mouth for a few weeks, but while it is in there, problems can of course occur with it. These problems are very rare, and because of this, solutions to problems with healing screws are also extremely rarely offered.
A recent American study performed on cadavers (yikes!) has made implant placement, already an extremely routine and safe surgical procedure even safer. During the placement of dental implants, very few things can go wrong. But the face and mouth do contain a series of winding nerves, and sometimes, they can be hit if they are undetected. The problem is that while surgery must be carried out under anaesthesia, the damage to the nerve will not be apparent until a day or to after the procedure is carried out. By this time the damage to the nerve is usually irreversible, as nerve damage usually tends to be. This damage can result in a loss of feeling, complete numbness and loss of control of certain facial muscles, the tongue or parts of the jaw.
Did you know that over half of all UK residents do not visit the dentist regularly at all? Did you know that going to a dentist every six months for a routine check up and a hygiene session decreases the risk of tooth decay by up to 60%? This and other very useful information can be read in this super helpful infographic. Upon reading it, it occurred to me how incredibly important and vital a role regular dental checkups play in maintaining teeth, and in preventing problems from occurring, and how most people are not aware of the function of check ups, and see them as merely a problematic appointment to get out of when it rolls around, if they do not forget them automatically.
I have been reading a bunch of articles about the supposed negative aspects of smoking on your teeth. Besides causing cancer, I cannot say that smoking does anything at all to your oral environment, and certainly does not make your teeth bad. I come to you to ask for the truth behind this big anti-smoking campaign. Is it really bad for teeth or is it just the anti-smoking hype? Please be honest!
Register for dental checkup!
- 2019. May 15
- 2019. May 05
- 2019. April 25
- 2019. April 15
- 2019. April 05
teeth, tooth, dental implant, dental, dentist, dental implants, problem, implant, crown, pain,