Teeth may become mobile for a number of reasons. The only way to reverse the effects is to find out what the cause is.
Chewing gum is frequently assumed to be just a form of candy. This could not be further from the truth, especially with sugar free gum, which is not only good for your teeth and gums, but increases your saliva production and your ability to resist the bacteria that cause dental caries. Here is the skinny on how good sugar free chewing gum is for your teeth.
Have you ever looked at the back of a tube of toothpaste and wonder “what is all this junk anyway”? There are so many things that the average layperson has absolutely no idea that it is mindboggling just to start to research all of them. Most of these materials are there to enhance the flavour, consistency, and surface of the paste. But some of them are salts, some of them are carcinogens, and many of them are plain unhealthy. Here is a breakdown of what’s in toothpaste.
Yet another study has seen the light of day which proves that smoking can cause dental implant failure. This is small surprise to the world of dentistry, as the negative effects of smoking on the human oral cavity have been known for a long time. We wish to deal a little with what kinds of troubles you can expect if you have dental implants and still continue to smoke.
For some patients, getting dental implants to replace their teeth just isn’t an option. This could be because of health issues, like a systemic disease that makes dental implantation impossible, or it could be a personal aversion to oral surgery or having foreign materials in their body. These patients can be sure that dental implants are not the only way to replace a missing tooth, and other options for tooth replacement exist, albeit with a twist. Read on to find out what can be done instead of getting dental implants.
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- 2019. May 15
- 2019. May 05
- 2019. April 25
- 2019. April 15
- 2019. April 05
teeth, tooth, dental implant, dental, dentist, dental implants, problem, implant, crown, pain,